As community leaders, we have engaged Central Florida’s minority youth, business leaders, and stakeholders about investing in the state’s low-income students and incentivizing the next generation of minority talent.
Through after-school programs, we aspire to provide robust workshops about financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and career readiness in the STEM fields. Our mission is to inspire minority youth to complete High School education or equivalent and pursue careers aligned with their desire to thrive in today’s economy.
Economic prosperity and the health of our State and even our nation’s economy depend on a highly skilled workforce that fosters technology, innovation, and competition.
Leveraging partnerships with role models, community leaders, businesses, and educational institutions will prepare and embolden students while inspiring them to succeed in today’s global economy.
Throughout our bootcamps, we strive to put forth robust programs that include financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and career readiness in STEM fields
In the past, the bootcamps have been carried out in partnership with Sea World and Disney. They have convened hundreds of minority high school students from selected central Florida schools, diversity entrepreneurs from the high-tech industry, government, school board, as well as the private and public sector to discuss the economic value of innovation in a digital global economy and how to remain competitive in a technologically-driven global economy.
As we continue to work with communities on advancing and improving opportunities and outcomes for our minority youth, we will salute champions like teachers and counselors, community leaders, and other organizations for rolling up their sleeves and preparing our future leaders for the 21st century. We are confident that this initiative will succeed and serve as a model for a National outreach effort.